So I just pepper sprayed some guy then chased him down so he wouldn't beat up his girlfriend, and then the fuckers called the cops on ME! LOLOL! Anywho, the cops took my side and sent the fuckers on their way.
Man, I gotta stop taking walks at night.
UPDATE: Oh shit, I totally forgot to tell the funniest part! Afterwards, the cop took me aside and told me that I need to shake my pepper spray up for better effect. I gather I didn't damage the fucker enough. LOL!
UPDATEUPDATE: LOLOL, just one more thing, I promise! Right after all this happened I continued my nightly walk, and a goddamned beautiful full tailed fox ran right in front of me in the alley. My God, what the hell is going on? Am I in the Matrix?
UPDATEUPDATEUPDATE: Yeah, yeah, so I'm breaking my promise and adding some more. Whatever. Thing is, it's really bothering me that this woman was defending this guy against me, even as he was hitting her and I was trying to assist. And then she took off before the cops got there; probably had a warrant or something, I figure. These weren't the most reputable types, after all. Just reminds me of Gary and some of his more passionate followers, I guess. I'll never understand masochism.
I've heard more than once that there are couples who will fight each other tooth and nail all the time but will always resist an outsider interfering. Some kind of "not your business" attitude, an objection to being "judged" or something. They prefer their horrible, violent relationship to anyone caring, even in passing. One reason why I would never interfere with a situation like that if I didn't know anyone involved.
On another subject - are you still going to maintain the abioism blog? I first read of the concept on Josh's forum, and was a bit resistant to the idea at first, but find I'm much more inclined towards it now. As a concept at least.
Jesus, I'd forgotten about that blog. I have and have had so many. Honestly I don't know, Andrew. I don't even know why I'm doing this now other than that I'm off tv and dope and feeling somewhat frenetic. I really like the abioism concept, though.
Oh, forgot to mention that the whole thing didn't start with the girlfriend. They were walking past me and the guy says something like "I have covid, you want some, and starts coughing in my direction. I guess we're both lucky I wasn't carrying my baton last night; I probably would have given him a fairly good beating and more likely than not wound up in the pokey. Then he came at me and I gave him a touch of the pepper, and he started screaming at the girl to call the police, and then he went after her and started attacking her because he wasn't following his directions quickly enough, I guess, so I chased him down and threatened him some more, which subdued him until the cops came. I guess he actually thought he had a case, lol.
I have a vintage control baton that I picked up at an antique mall. Thankfully I have not had to use it. It seems to me there are more mentally ill people running around these days. There are precious little resources devoted to people with mental health issues, so I guess it's no surprise.
God's fuck, what a reptile. In a slightly saner world he would have been exterminated long ago. In a totally sane world, none of us would exist. And so on and so forth...
In the meantime, in case you haven't seen this yet -
"In a slightly saner world he would have been exterminated long ago" Indeed. I wish the "abolish the police" crowd would realize this. As long as we allow predators to roam among us we'll need people to deal with them.
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